William M. Karnes
(Son of Moses Karnes)
(1836 - ?) 2
The 1860 Census for Gibson County, Tennessee, District 1, lists the following:
110.KARNES,W. 24 M W FARMER 300pp TN
Martha 24 F TN
Moses 2 M TN
Susan 7 F TN
William 6 M TN
The columns are Name, Age, Sex, Race, Occupation, Real Tax, Personal Tax, and PLace of Birth. TN. It seems likely that this is William M. Karnes
William Karnes, is mentioned in John Moses Karnes' autobiography:
In about the year 1880 there was a settlement near, and north of Hollywood. Some of their names were Zack Browning, Tom Smith, Dick Tucker, William Karnes, my father's brother, Tom Neel, Ab Wilkins and Mr. Baugus.
This would place him in Dunklin County, Southeast Missouri when William would have been approximately 44 years old, and if the census data matches, would have William moving from Tennessee to Missouri somewhere in the 1860-1880 timeframe.
I have also been told that William M. Karnes appears in the 1880 census for Salem Township of Dunnklin County, Missouri, but have not had a chance to personally verify this information.
2 – Information provided by Dennis Heathcock in a posting on Genealogy.com.